Many drivers are surprised to learn that their credit score can possibly have an impact on car insurance rates. In most states across the nation, insurers take into account drivers’ credit scores when calculating premiums. Drivers in West Springfield, however, don’t have to worry about their credit score when they request auto insurance quotes.
Car Insurance for West Springfield Residents: Credit Score Impact
By Edward J. Adamczyk on Nov 14, 2016 6:58:06 PM
West Springfield Families Need Homeowners Insurance To Cover Puppies
By Edward J. Adamczyk on Oct 24, 2016 8:04:20 PM
Many homeowners insurance policies’ liability provisions include coverage for dogs and their actions. Some insurers, however, exclude specific breeds from the policies that they offer to West Springfield, Massachusetts. Additionally, a few insurers don’t include coverage for dogs in their standard policies. Therefore, if you’re thinking about getting a new pooch, you should first review your homeowners policy to see whether you’d be covered if your dog caused any harm.