Not all homes are created equal. Longmeadow homes with unique features, and higher than average market value may fall into the “high value” category. Once you’ve determined your home is considered “high value”, you need to seek out insurance that can properly cover your property. High value home insurance policies provide more coverage than a typical homeowners policy, allowing you to fully restore your home if it is damaged or destroyed. To get this coverage, there is a thorough appraisal process.
Appraising Your Longmeadow House For High Value Home Insurance
By Edward J. Adamczyk on Mar 22, 2016 2:20:00 PM
High Value Home Insurance In Springfield: Determining Your Need
By Edward J. Adamczyk on Mar 2, 2016 1:02:00 PM
The purchase of homeowners insurance is not a one-and-done deal. As homes in the Springfield area increase in market worth and more valuables get collected at home, your standard homeowner insurance policy may not provide the desired or necessary coverage. A high value home insurance policy with higher coverage limits may be a better option.