Employment practices liability policies help protect Massachusetts businesses from employment-related liability claims. For covered claims, policies typically help pay both legal fees and settlements associated with the claims (up to the policies’ limits). Here are some examples of incidents that your business could be involved in and an EPLI policy might cover.
What Kinds of Incidents Does an Employment Practices Liability Policy Cover?
By Edward J. Adamczyk on Jul 11, 2018 2:01:00 PM
Employment Practices Liability Insurance for Non-Profits in Northampton
By Edward J. Adamczyk on Sep 9, 2016 4:03:50 PM
Employment practices liability insurance can help businesses protect themselves from employment-related claims and lawsuits. This insurance, however, isn’t just for organizations needing business insurance. If you run a nonprofit organization in Northampton, Massachusetts, it may be wise to protect your nonprofit from covered claims with a policy.
Springfield Businesses Need Employment Practices Liability Insurance
By Edward J. Adamczyk on Apr 21, 2016 4:00:00 AM
Basic business insurance policies are a must-have for companies of all sizes. Large corporations also seem to know automatically to invest in Employment Practice Liability Insurance (EPLI) in order to better protect their business. Many small businesses in Springfield, however, find Employment Practices Liability Insurance coverage a low priority. It is infact a very smart investment for all business owners because it acts as a first line of defense in the event that the company is accused of any wrong doing by their employees. Alarmingly, nearly half of the EPLI claims filed in the U.S. are against small businesses. If that isn't enough to convince you to contact your local Massachusetts independent insurance agency, there are a few more reasons why you should make an investment today.